ANHO EX - Polyethylene hose conductive

 Conductive POLYETHYLENE (PE) and ELASTOMER spiral hose, with reinforcement on the external spiral with antiabrasive function, for extraction of air and dust, where absence of electrostatic accumulation is required. ANHO EX is more flexible version of ANHO, and it is tested regularly to ensure the resistance.

 Conductive POLYETHYLENE (PE) and ELASTOMER spiral hose, with reinforcement on the external spiral with antiabrasive function, for extraction of air and dust, where absence of electrostatic accumulation is required. ANHO EX is more flexible version of ANHO, and it is tested regularly to ensure the resistance.

Art. nr Beskrivning Ø (mm) Vakuum % R (mm) Lager* Pris** Antal
ANHO-038-20 Conductive hose 38(1x20m) 60 65 Begär offert
ANHO-050-20 Conductive hose 50 (1x 20 m) 60 80 Begär offert

* Fylld cirkel = lagerstandard

** Alla priser är exklusive moms

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